About Us
Zoya Science Schools (presently 8 set up in remote rural areas of South Punjab) give free education to over 3,500 underprivileged children in a caring environment.
Typically, a Zoya Science School is built and supported by the family of Zoya Khawaja and friends on land given by the community.
The schools partnering with Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) are financially and otherwise completely autonomous and run by the school’s administrator.
The schools promote science/math with videos, posters, booklets, poems, songs in the local language Seraiki.
The Schools’ have well-stocked libraries with story books of world-famous authors (in Urdu), such as Hemingway, Tolstoy, Chekov, Prem Chand, Rumi, Gogol, as well Kalam science books, stories from around the world, including all the books for children published by National Book Foundation.
Zoya Science School Garibabad (new campus)
completed June 2022
Zoya Science School Garibabad (not so old campus)
Zoya Science School Garibabad (old campus)
Zoya Science School Essenwala
Zoya Science School Cheenwala
Zoya Science School Usmanabad
Zoya Science School Ramzanabad
Zoya Science School Nala Khudadad
Zoya Science School Daruhal