Potable water for 41,744 school children

Water borne diseases are 80% of our diseases and cause 33% deaths in our country*
To address this problem we give potable water to children of government schools and to underprivileged families of children of Zoya schools.
This we do by digging wells to 120-150 ft and installing hand pumps (simplest/most commonly used technology with least moving parts so there is little/no maintenance).

As of June 10 2024, we have installed 264 tube wells of which 235 are in government schools and 93 in underprivileged homes (of orphans/widows/etc). 41,744 children benefit from the program.
Expense, so far, is Rs 5.094 million given in 68 donations by generous individuals.

For example, Ms. Sohailia Yusuf’s contribution of  Rs 100,000.

Rs 19,290 to Rs 22,400 is the present cost of digging the tube well (120 feet) and installing a hand-pump.

*Source: Drinking Water Quality Status and Contamination in Pakistan, Published online 2017 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5573092/

Latest reports of installing tube wells (during May-June 4 2024)





























































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