
Tinea Capitis (scalp ringworm)

Tinea Captis fungal infection effects mostly pre-teen boys as our Saifal class 1 of ZSS … Read More

Sana Khalid Young TB Patient

Sana Khalid of class 7 Zoya Science School Garibabad is diagnosed with TB. Her father … Read More

Ramzan food package 1st round April 2021

105 orphans of Zoya schools in 66 families got a food package worth Rs 1,975 … Read More

Nimra Bibi class 3: Burn victim

Nimra Bibi class 3 Zoya Science School Daruhal looks after her 7 siblings and father … Read More

Our nutrition survey: mind boggling deprivation

433 out of 847 children are undernourished as per our survey of three Zoya Science … Read More

Warm clothes for our children

Below fotos of 92 girls of Zoya Science School Cheenwala with their new warm shawls … Read More

Food for the hungry

In June 276 families got the food packages, During April-June we spent Rs 1.77 million … Read More