Daily hot meal for children–Khwaja Omar Farooq Fund for Children

The Khwaja Omar Farooq Fund for Children addresses child malnutrition in rural communities:

Four of every ten children here are malnourished, which ratio is more for girls (for details see our post: Our nutrition survey).
To improve their nutrition intake the Fund gives daily HOT MEAL to ALL (over 250) children of Zoya Science School Morikhwala.
The food is prepared/distributed by the children’s mothers.

The Fund is helping the mothers/community and the children to GROW the food next to the school.


Mothers preparing HOT MEAL for the children (January 2024)




The activity is reported real-time as in table below (daily with details of expenses, market rates of purchased items, contact persons, etc.) to ensure transparency. And as proof that the contributions entrusted to us for this purpose are used judiciously












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